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Mint Tea

Gut Health
& Digestion

The Gut & Weight Connection

Poor Gut Health & Weight Gain

Struggling with unwanted weight and other health problems that have crept up in your middle years is a common concern, but there's more to it than meets the eye. A crucial piece of the puzzle is the connection between poor gut health, inflammation, hormonal imbalance and weight gain. Poor gut health and hormonal imbalance can lead to weight gain and digestive symptoms such as IBS, bloating, food intolerances and constipation.

Nutritional Therapy for Gut Health
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Improve digestion & reduce intolerances

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Support the
immune system

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brain illustration

Improve cognitive function

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Reduce bloating
& gas

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skin layers illustration

Improve skin

Gut Health Nutritionist

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Struggling with weight gain, autoimmune, hormone or digestive issues?
Fed up of feeling bloated & uncomfortable?
Ready to improve your health with personalised nutrition?

Your gut, often referred to as the "second brain," is home to trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiome. These microbes play a crucial role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and even influencing your metabolism. 

Poor gut health can contribute to weight gain:

  • Inflammation: A disrupted gut microbiome can lead to chronic inflammation, which is associated with insulin resistance, obesity, joint pain and autoimmune arthritis. Inflammation can impair your body's ability to regulate blood sugar and metabolise fat effectively.

  • Hormonal Imbalance: The gut and hormones are closely linked. An imbalanced gut can disrupt hormonal regulation. Imbalanced hormones are related to weight gain, PCOS, Endometriosis and thyroid conditions. Imbalances in leptin, a hormone that controls hunger and fullness, can also result from poor gut health.

  • Cravings and Appetite: Your gut microbiome can influence your cravings and appetite. Harmful bacteria may promote cravings for sugary or high-calorie foods, making it difficult to maintain a healthy diet.

  • Digestive Issues: Gut problems like IBS, constipation or diarrhoea can hinder nutrient absorption and contribute to weight gain. When your body doesn't absorb nutrients efficiently, it may signal hunger even when you've eaten enough.

I can help you...

Ease bloating & food intolerances
Relieve digestive issues & constipation
Reduce inflammation & improve gut health
Fresh Green Salad with Feta
Cheshire Nutrition Leaf Logo

Gut Health & Weight Gain

One-to-one personalised nutrition and health coaching for women's health & weight loss.

This 8 week health and weight management programme can help you ease digestive discomfort and diet restrictions. It is suitable for digestive conditions such as IBS, bloating, indigestion and food intolerances. I help women lose weight, balance hormones and ease digestive problems - for a healthier future without calorie counting! Cheshire Nutrition is based in Manchester, I work online with clients across the UK. Consultations start at £150. To find out more please book a FREE 30-minute no obligation consultation below.

Invest in Your Health

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I work with leading laboratories to offer a wide range of advanced functional tests. Functional health testing can be helpful for sub-clinical conditions. Testing can give a valuable insight into the potential root causes of digestive symptoms.

Add a test to your programme:

The Advanced GI Stool test 

SIBO breath test

Nutrient and organic acids

Vitamin D 

Other health tests are also available. 

Flowers and Citrus
Healthy Breakfast


Free Consultation

A FREE no obligation consultation lasts up to 30 minutes. We can connect online via telephone or Zoom video call, it's a great way for us to discuss your requirements and how I can help. You can also ask any questions and decide if we are a good fit before working together.

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