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 Hormone Balance & Menopause

The Hormones & Weight Connection

Weight Gain, Hormones & Menopause

Seven key hormone imbalances are responsible for stubborn weight gain in midlife. 'Eat less, move more' no longer works! The connection between hormones and weight gain in midlife is undeniable. Perimenopause hormonal shifts can start as early as age 35, with a decline in progesterone and oestrogen levels. These hormonal changes, alongside thyroid issues and insulin resistance can influence how your body stores and manages fat.

Nutritional Therapy for Hormones Balance & Menopause

thyroid illustration


cloud lightening illustration

PMS or

female womb illustration


egg timer illustration

Menopause symptoms

surgical tools illustration

Early or surgical menopause

famale womb with endometriosis


Are you...

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Struggling with irregular cycles, hot flushes, weight gain or sleep issues?
Dealing with PCOS, Endometriosis or Thyroid symptoms?
Fed up of feeling tired, moody and sluggish?
Nutritional Therapy for Hormone Balance

If you are tired of the up's and down's of fad diets, I can help you find YOUR unique recipe for hormone balance and weight loss. This 8 week personalised nutrition programme for women's health and weight loss can help you rebalance your hormones and lose weight. It is suitable for a wide range of hormone related conditions such as Thyroid disorders, PCOS and Endometriosis.

I can help you...

Balance hormone, thyroid or menopause symptoms
Tackle stubborn weight gain & bloating
Regain your energy & focus
Fruit and Granola
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Hormone Balance

1-to-1 personalised nutrition programme for hormone balance & weight loss.

This nutrition programme is suitable for a wide range of conditions including PCOS, Endometriosis and Thyroid disorders. I can help you stop yo-yo dieting, ease digestive issues, balance hormones & lose weight without calorie counting, so you can feel good in your favourite clothes and have more energy to enjoy a healthier future! — Even if you think you’re too busy and you’ve tried everything before!

Invest in Your Health

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I work with leading laboratories to offer a wide range of advanced functional tests. Functional health testing can be helpful for sub-clinical conditions. The DUTCH urine test for example can give a valuable insight into the potential root causes of hormonal symptoms.

Add a test to your health programme:

DNA tests (Nutrigenomics)

The DUTCH test (hormones & HRT monitoring)

Thyroid & fatigue panel

Vitamin D 


Other functional health tests are also available. 

Flowers and Citrus
Healthy Salad in bowl with napkin


 Free Consultation

A FREE no obligation consultation lasts up to 30 minutes, it's a great way for us to discuss your requirements and how I can help. We can connect via telephone or Zoom video call. You can ask any questions and decide if we are a good fit before working together. I work online with clients in Manchester and all over the UK.

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